Once you have done with school, you realise that it is just a smaller version of life, and really I have felt that I should have been an adult since I was aged about five.

  • -- Kristen Stewart 克里斯汀·斯图尔特



The Japanese version comes with a translation, but that's different from the lyrics, so people could look things up and find a translation of their own if they're interested.


People need to realise what real happiness and success is, because success as an actor is fleeting. You can be up there one day and gone the next.


I remember as a kid having the offer of a scholarship, that it was going to be like going to Mars, and deciding to stay in my public school.


You can have anything you want so long as you realise that you can't have everything you want.


I didn't really have a favourite subject at school as I was useless at everything.
