The two World Wars came in part, like much modern literature and art, because men, whose nature is to tire of everything in turn... tired of common sense and civilization.

  • -- F. L. Lucas 卢卡斯



No doubt Western civilization has in the past been full of wars and revolutions, and the national elements in our culture, even when they were ignored, always provided an unconscious driving force of passion and aggressive self-assertion.


I'm married, which means that instead of occasionally wondering about men from afar, I actually live with one and can be constantly astounded by the strange male brain.


What a different world this would be if people would listen to those who know more and not merely try to get something from those who have more.


Sometimes I wonder if men and women really suit each other. Perhaps they should live next door and just visit now and then.


The true civilization is where every man gives to every other man every right he claims for himself.


The world is God's world, after all.
