I simply think things through, and I look at problems. One thing I pride myself on is the ability to connect unconnected thoughts and come up with new, unique thoughts.

  • -- Bode Miller 博德-米勒



I claim to be an average man of less than average ability. I have not the shadow of a doubt that any man or woman can achieve what I have, if he or she would make the same effort and cultivate the same hope and faith.


If we rationalize our problems when He points them out, we will spend less and less time meditating because we won't want to face God in that area of our lives.


If we examine our thoughts, we shall find them always occupied with the past and the future.


There are so many people out there with less shame talking about their problems.


The best way to make a good deal is to have the ability to walk away from it.


Speech was given to man to disguise his thoughts.
