And I guess the thing that I really sort of rely on in me is that I love racing and I love competing and so I know that you know when the time comes and the pressure's on and I have to swim well, I'm sort of able to pull it out and sort of get the best out of myself.

  • -- Stephanie Rice 斯蒂芬妮·赖斯



I have great people, smart people that are around me and we love the challenge. I guess it's like climbing a mountain or building a building. It's a challenge but you love every challenge that it brings or presents itself.


I don't know how many more times I'll be in New England again. But I leave coach Belichick and those guys with a salute: 'I love you guys. I miss you. I'm out.'


I became famous, I think, really because of the interpretation of other people's songs, way back when, and that's what I enjoy the most. And I'm a lazy bugger.


Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.


I guess, topic to topic, you could consider me a left-leaning person.


Rhythm is the life of space of time danced through. Cecil Taylor

节奏是生命在时间的空间中舞蹈而过。 塞西尔•泰勒