I lay no claim, it should be clear, to being a historian. So in my books, the intimate and personal have been intertwined inextricably with the broad and historical.

  • -- Khaled Hosseini 哈立德·侯赛尼



But when you hear the complete album, it gets dark, really straight-up rock, with some really intimate moments with just me and the piano. It's not completely me because there are parts of me that aren't on that song, that are on the album.


Books can truly change our lives: the lives of those who read them, the lives of those who write them. Readers and writers alike discover things they never knew about the world and about themselves.


Alcohol is like love. The first kiss is magic, the second is intimate, the third is routine. After that you take the girl's clothes off.


Finding your passion is the key to your success.
