When a mother quarrels with a daughter, she has a double dose of unhappiness hers from the conflict, and empathy with her daughter's from the conflict with her. Throughout her life a mother retains this special need to maintain a good relationship with her daughter.

  • -- Terri Apter 阿普特



We call that person who has lost his father, an orphan; and a widower that man who has lost his wife. But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence.


Time heals griefs and quarrels, for we change and are no longer the same persons. Neither the offender nor the offended are any more themselves.


The best relationship is where you can lay with each other and just talk about anything and everything.


All of our unhappiness comes from our inability to be alone.


You can't go through a divorce and then get back together.


Is thy mother-in-law quarrelsome ? Divorce her daughter.
