Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will - his personal responsibility in the realm of faith and morals.

  • -- Albert Schweitzer 艾伯特·施韦策

人必须停止把他的问题归咎于他所处的环境,而重新学会行使他的意志- -他在信仰和道德领域的个人责任。


It is doubtful whether mankind are most indebted to those who like Bacon and Butler dig the gold from the mine of literature, or to those who, like Paley, purify it, stamp it, fix its real value, and give it currency and utility.


In a civilized society, all crimes are likely to be sins, but most sins are not and ought not to be treated as crimes. Man's ultimate responsibility is to God alone.


The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.


To have a child is to be impaled daily on the spike of responsibility.


People must help one another; it is nature's law.


The man who has no problems is out of the game.
