In real life, the most important decision you ever make is, where does reality leave off and make-believe begin? If you make a mistake about that, you're dead. You know, you're out on the street corner. You think there's no bus coming. You step out, you're dead.

  • -- Raymond Joseph Teller 雷蒙德·约瑟夫·特勒



I found I wasn't asking good enough questions because I assumed I knew something. I would box them into a corner with a badly formed question, and they didn't know how to get out of it. Now, I let them take me through it step by step, and I listen.


Do not follow where the path may lead go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.


Leave me in a room with some crayons and I'll draw on the wall.


The apocalypse is not around the corner.
