There are some things one can only achieve by a deliberate leap in the opposite direction. One  has to go abroad in order to find the home one has lost.

  • -- Franz Kafka 卡夫卡



As far as I can see women who have facelifts don't look younger, just weirder. You see them on screen with these tight, little porcelain faces - then the hand goes up to the face and it looks like it belongs to an alien. I find it really freaky.


Find out who you are and be that person. That's what your soul was put on this Earth to be. Find that truth, live that truth and everything else will come.


There are trivial truths and the great truths. The opposite of a trivial truth is plainly false. The opposite of a great truth is also true.


Art is not about thinking something up. It is the opposite - getting something down.


Solitude sharpens awareness of small pleasures otherwise lost.


Lost time is never found again.
