Filming is long - you get very tired, and your skin breaks out and you get lumps and bumps. It's easier if you're allowed to have bags under your eyes.

  • -- Shirley Henderson 雪莉·亨德森



It was a scene I was really looking forward to, and one that I embraced, and when we were filming it, George got closer and closer and closer with that camera - he was practically up my nose for the final shot. So I knew it was a moment that I had to do my best to get right.


We had allowed our eyes to meet only once- by accident as much as out of necessity- and not ten seconds had passed before the agony had become too great to bear and we had retreated into silence and coldness once more.


When allowed to return to the class, your feelings of humility and lonesomeness will render you a much finer student and person.


Filming is a very adult world, and you need to be with people your own age.
