He said, 'From then on, I realized that I was not just abandoned. I was chosen. I was special.' And I think that's the key to understanding Steve Jobs.

  • -- Walter Isaacson 沃尔特·艾萨克森



Detroit is a city that really stands out. It's been through a very difficult time. There's been a lot of pain here, and the city, physically, has suffered. You can see it in certain neighborhoods, and there's buildings downtown that have been abandoned.


Words are power. The more words you know and can recognize, use, define, understand, the more power you will have as a human being... The more language you know, the more likely it is that no one can get over on you."


If a girl understands your bullshit, sticks through your mistakes, smile even when you've done nothing for her, its obvious she's a keeper. But its also obvious you don't deserve her.


Fantasy, abandoned by reason, produces impossible monsters; united with it, she is the mother of the arts and the origin of marvels.


I'm in a position to look back at my life, and I realized there were a number of experiences that needed to be documented.


While I've worked on many topics and written many books, I have not abandoned my interest in multiple intelligences.


No actor ever forgets a role, so I should have realized something was wrong.


I was a guy who abandoned a TV show. I didn't care about people.
