Look at what's happening in this world. Every day there's something exciting or disturbing to write about. With all that's going on, how could I stop?

  • -- Gwendolyn Brooks 关朵琳·布鲁克丝



Season number seven! It's been so exciting for us. When we first began, we were like the little train that could... and we did! We're terribly excited! It will be an interesting season for us, I think.


There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been.


The opportunity to create a small world between two pieces of cardboard, where time exists yet stands still, where people talk and I tell them what to say, is exciting and rewarding.


They asked me to write it and zoomed me over there to do it. But they ended up sacking me.


One day you will have to stop hating who you are.


I just write what I want to write.
