Some people want to amass a great amount of wealth and make a great looking obituary. I'm going to die with more money than is good to leave my son.

  • -- Darrell Issa 伊萨



Believe me, I don't take that lightly. To have struck gold twice with 'Rent' and 'Wicked.' I know it's rare and I'm very lucky to have that kind of phenomenon in my life. They're not just great shows, they're shows that resonate with young audiences.


You can teach all the other stuff, you know. You can teach shooting the ball, you can teach having a good touch... passing and whatnot, but when you get out there on the field, it's just a mindset you need to go into the game with.


There's a great power in words, if you don't hitch too many of them together.


I know I'm good for something I just haven't found it yet.
