I think people should have the legal right to hurt themselves without fearing that they're going to get locked up for doing so. But on a personal level, if someone I loved was hurting himself or herself in front of me, I would, of course, try to restrain them.

  • -- Chester Brown 切斯特布朗



Surely it is time to examine into the meaning of words and the nature of things, and to arrive at simple facts, not received upon the dictum of learned authorities, but upon attentive personal observation of what is passing around us.


I think that the best part of music is when it comes from a real place and has an ability to kind of connect on a much larger scale. It no longer is a personal thing, it becomes everyone else's thing as well.


You got to hurt on order to know. Fall in order to grow. Lose in order to gain because most of life's lessons. Are learned in pain.


Truth indeed rather alleviates than hurts, and will always bear up against falsehood, as oil does above water.


Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.


The best people to have power are the ones who don't want it.
