There is nothing more important in my life than being a father. I will never allow any of my career choices or aspirations to threaten this bond.

  • -- Corey Hart 柯瑞哈特



To be totally honest, if I could be thinner without it causing a lot of pain and anxiety in my life, I would be. But today the reality is my life is more important to me than my weight - and thank God for that.


In all my years of performing, no audience member has ever actually assaulted me. I consider this to be the singular triumph of my performing career.


People often refer to my career before The Crying Game as something which led up to that point. But I was very fulfilled in what I was doing.


There is nothing people can throw at me to say: 'Do this, do that.'


Life is short there is no time to leave important words unsaid.


To do nothing evil is good; to wish nothing evil is better.
