A newspaper that you're not reading can be used for anything; and the same people didn't think it was immoral to wrap their garbage in newspaper.

  • -- Robert Rauschenberg 罗伯特·劳森伯格



An artist is an artist only because of his exquisite sense of beauty, a sense which shows him intoxicating pleasures, but which at the same time implies and contains an equally exquisite sense of all deformities and all disproportion.


And understand that scarce spectrum is used today for example for cell phone operators, they have to pay for the airwaves they use, for their services.


A man is never completely alone in this world. At the worst, he has the company of a boy, a youth, and by and by a grown man - the one he used to be.


Repeat anything often enough and it will start to become you.


I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.


A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.
