Make food a very incidental part of your life by filling your life so full of meaningful things that you'll hardly have time to think about food.

  • -- Peace Pilgrim 和平朝圣者



I've talked to some drummers who seem to have a very hard time staying in shape on the road, including some drummers touring with high-profile acts that don't have to live on fast food every night.


The craft of painting has virtually disappeared. There is hardly anyone left who really possesses it. For evidence one has only to look at the painters of this century.


I'm having a good time. I'm going to treat every game and every day as if they are my last because I now know that they could be.


I have a lot of cultural references that have amassed in my brain like shrapnel over the years that are meaningful to me.


A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch.


Everything's intentional. It's just filling in the dots.
