I am basically turning football players into sprinters for a while. When we first talked about it, I didn't know how my expertise could be used.

  • -- Ato Boldon 博尔顿



Nobody is that thick-skinned that it doesn't hurt you. Still, you always know what happens in football. I have got used to criticism, I suppose, having been high profile with England and Man U.


I was a bit of a handful when I was a kid because I was quite hyperactive. Even in the house my mum used to put me in my pram because I was so full-on.


Being a football manager is no fun at all. You have to put up with all the hassle. It is not surprising that so many turn grey or have heart attacks.


I'm much more used to the TV shows, which are demanding to write and perform but very fulfilling.


Many roads lead to the path, but basically there are only two: reason and practice.


I am basically a private person.
