I try to make myself walk around a bit, but I probably think about it more than I actually do it. Years ago, I did think about joining a gym.

  • -- Clive Anderson 克里夫·安德森



I think my cooking these days is a lot more relaxed from when I was working in professional kitchens. Spending time in people's kitchens made me realize that people want to eat healthy meals that are easy to prepare, with minimal ingredients that can be made on a budget.


One of the hardest aspects of this protracted public persona is not knowing others as well as they feel they know me. It's a rather clumsy feeling actually; to not know someone who acts as though you're old friends.


Third baseman Aaron Boone sees the focus the Indians have exhibited this season. I think we've taken the next step, ... One of our strengths is, we're really good at turning the page each day and coming to play.


I sometimes want to make a book of every tattoo I wanted to get before I actually got a tattoo, because there were so many awful ideas and concepts.


In my own writing, I think of myself as a realist who exaggerates a little.


I went to the public schools myself. And they were great for me.
