Studies indicate that these children are more susceptible to advertising and even less likely to understand the purpose of this advertising.

  • -- Bob Filner 费尔纳



Thus united to them in the fellowship of life, he will both understand the things revealed to them by God and, thenceforth escaping the peril that threatens sinners in the judgment, will receive that which is laid up for the saints in the kingdom of heaven.


One of the things I realized... is how few success stories there are in websites or products or businesses that exist primarily for an altruistic purpose.


The purpose that brought the fourteenth amendment into being was equality before the law, and equality, not separation, was written into the law.


Sometimes things in life happen that allow us to understand our priorities very clearly. Ultimately you can see those as gifts.


It is advertising and the logic of consumerism that governs the depiction of reality in the mass media.


In the arts, the critic is the only independent source of information. The rest is advertising.
