This is not the first time in my life where you know going into a job that you're going to hear in stereo what was wrong with what you did.

  • -- Angelo Bartlett Giamatti 安杰洛·巴特利特·吉马蒂



For me it's always about first impressions. I trust my instincts. I love to prepare if it's something that requires training. But I don't like to prepare the psychology too much. I enjoy the psychology of the character but I work better from a first impression.


A clear cold morning with high wind: we caught in a trap a large gray wolf, and last night obtained in the same way a fox who had for some time infested the neighbourhood of the fort.


Actors have to make you believe that it's happening for the first time and all that jazz and make it human and at the same time entertain you.


The reason why i want to be alone, tired of all the things that went wrong that would've went right if i would've done it on my own.


Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid.


A lot of child actors keep acting for the wrong reasons.
