A person under the firm persuasion that he can command resourcesvirtually has them.
A person under the firm persuasion that he can command resourcesvirtually has them.
A person unlearns arrogance when he knows he is always among worthy human beings; being alone fosters presumption. Young people are arrogant because they always associate with their own peers, those who are all really nothing but who would like to be very important.
A person usually has two reasons for doing a thing; one that sounds good and a real one.
A person who cannot imagine the future is a person who cannot contemplate the results of his actions. Some are thus paralyzed into inaction.
A person who deserves my loyalty receives it.
A person who finds silence and solitude boring is a person who is himself boring, empty of anything worth consideration.
A person who is gifted sees the essential point and leaves the rest as surplus.
A person who is going to commit an inhuman act invariably excuses himself saying, ‘I’m only human, after all’.
A person who is nice to you but is not nice to the waiter is not a nice person.
A person who is too nice an observer of the business of the crowd, like one who is too curious in observing the labor of bees, will often be stung for his curiosity.
A person who knows how to laugh at himself will never ceased to be amused.
A person who publishes a book appears willfully in public with his pants down.
A person who reads lives a thousand lives. A person who reads not, lives only one.
A person who reads lives more than one life, but that means that they die more than once as well.
A person who reads or thinks or calculates, belongs to a kind and not to a gender; in his or her best moments, he or she escapes being human.