A wit’s a feather, and a chief a rod; An honest man’s the noblest work of God.
A wit’s a feather, and a chief a rod; An honest man’s the noblest work of God.
A woman always has her man, but the man unconsciously leans on his roots, his heritage. He feels like an orphan without his parents.orphan
A woman called me interesting once, and it kind of blew my mind. She said, 'You're one of the most interesting people I've ever met,' and I was like, 'Wow.'
A woman can become a man’s friend only in the following stages---first an acquaintance, next a mistress, and only then a friend.
A woman can hardly ever choose...she is dependent on what happens to her. She must take meaner things, because only meaner things are within her reach.
A woman can laugh and cry in three seconds and it's not weird. But if a man does it, it's very disturbing. The way I'd describe it is like this: I have been allowed inside the house of womanhood, but I feel that they wouldn't let me in any of the interesting rooms.
A woman can look both moral and exciting---if she also looks as if it was quite a struggle.
A woman can look both moral and exciting... if she also looks as if it was quite a struggle.
A woman can pursue any man in the world she wants to be with, but yet she chose you.. Don't take her for granted.
A woman can say more in a sigh than a man can say in a sermon.
A woman can't do anything about her appearance. Either she's pretty or she isn't. But her character is quite another matter.
A woman can't stay hard when all around her is loveliness.
A woman confronting men is a proper subject, it is inexhaustible.
A woman dictates before marriage in order that she may have an appetite for submission afterwards.
A woman doesn't care if she hasn't a stomach, provided she looks as if she hasn't.