Remember that credit is money.
Remember that credit is money.
Rice at present prices provides more food for the money than most of the other cereals.
Right now it's only a notion, but I think I can get the money to make it into a concept, and later turn it into an idea.
Run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil. That sentence is the leper's bell of an approaching looter.
Save your money. You're going to need twice as much money in your old age as you think.
Several times we were stranded in strange places without any money and with our credit cards cancelled - trapped in a hotel that we couldn't check out of because we had no money to check out.
She seemed to mean what she said. She said pretty much this: I retained some lawyers, I have to move on with my life, I am divorcing you, and then she added, I need money.
She was making great money at personal appearances.
Sincerity: willingness to spend one's own money.
Singing as a full-time job was not something I had given a lot of thought to and I had no clear notion of the money to be made in it.
Skating everywhere is unpredictable, no amount of money or facilities is going to create a skating star. You have to have a skater who is dedicated, passionate, and willing to learn.
So I wanted to show what I did with the money. So I got red silk shirts, beautiful hats, wonderful saddles, a great horse, and two gold teeth. So that was the way I did it.
So the actual privilege is that you can then take time off - and if you don't, you're a fool. You're earning all this money to support children whom you then don't see, which is absurd.
So you have to just be really careful and make sure that when a deal comes along, that it's like the right deal for you... not necessarily the most money, because you have to pay the record label that back in like record sales and stuff.
So you think that money is the root of all evil. Have you ever asked what is the root of all money?