The whole profit of the issuance of money has provided the capital of the great banking business as it exists today.
The whole profit of the issuance of money has provided the capital of the great banking business as it exists today.
The worst thing that can happen to a man is to lose his money, the next worst his health, the next worst his reputation.
There are a handful of people whom money won't spoil, and we all count ourselves among them.
There are evils that have the ability to survive identification and go on for ever... money, for instance, or war.
There are horses people use for competition, and if they don't perform well or go lame, then people ask the vet to put them down to get the insurance money. And my vet knows I love horses, so he gives them to me.
There are people so poor, that the only thing they have is money.
There are people who have money and people who are rich.
There are some things that money just cannot buy, like manners, morals and intelligence.
There are some things that you can fulfil with money, but at the end of the day these are not the things that make you happy. It is the small things that make life good.
There are treasures in books that all the money in the world cannot buy, but the poorest laborer can have for nothing.
There comes a time when money doesn't matter.
There is a gigantic difference between earning a great deal of money and being rich.
There is an old saying that money can't buy happiness. If it could, I would buy myself four hits every game.
There is more money wasted in advertising by underspending than by overspending. Years ago someone said that underspending in advertising is like buying a ticket halfway to Europe. You've spent your money but you never get there.
There is no evil that does not promise inducements. Avarice promises money; luxury, a varied assortment of pleasures; ambition, a purple robe and applause. Vices tempt you by the rewards they offer.