Therefore trust to thy heart, and to what the world calls illusions.
Therefore trust to thy heart, and to what the world calls illusions.
These are very subtle things, of course, and I don't expect everyone to pick them up consciously, but I think that there is something there that you must be able to feel, there is an energy at work that I must trust my audience will be able to pick up at some level.
This book is about physics and its about physics and its relationship with mathematics and how they seem to be intimately related and to what extent can you explore this relationship and trust it.
This thing is for the game of golf, yeah, but trust me, the Europeans don't have that mentality.
To all those who have given up on love I say... trust life a little bit.
To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved.
To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float.
To know one's self is to know others, for heart can understand heart.
To love means to give someone the power to destroy you and to trust that they will not.
To sit patiently with a yearning that has not yet been fulfilled, and to trust that, that fulfillment will come, is quite possibly one of the most powerful "magic skills" that human beings are capable of. It has been noted by almost every ancient wisdom tradition.
To trust is good; not to trust is better.
Today I trust my instinct, I trust myself. Finally.
Trust God and believe that He will give you the grace to do what you need to do.
Trust God. He knows what you need. He has the resources He loves you. He makes no mistakes.
Trust and belief are two prime considerations. You must not allow yourself to be opinionated.