If one area I felt it was a tough election was I couldn't see my young son and I couldn't see my wife a lot, but apart from that for her also it was an experience.
If one area I felt it was a tough election was I couldn't see my young son and I couldn't see my wife a lot, but apart from that for her also it was an experience.
If people choose to live their life in a way that does not confront the more troubling aspects of their experience, that's fine, if it works for them. But it will probably make them uncomfortable if they come up against somebody like me. So they just shouldn't! They shouldn't read my work!
If the audience walks out of a concert thinking, What a wonderful experience, then we have done our job.
If the seams are showing, there is something wrong with the performance or the construction of the piece. This idea is completely at odds with our modern visual experience, because everything today is based on montage.
If they are, then the only ultimate truths are the particulars of concrete experience, and no postulate or general assumption is inherent in science until its proceedings become systematic, or the truths already reached give direction to further research.
If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we'd all be millionaires.
If you are lucky and work very hard, you may someday get to experience freedom from the known.
If you haven't read you don't have the voice. The lack of voice eliminates experience.
If you risk nothing, then you risk everything.
If you want plenty of experience in dealing with difficult people, then have kids.
If you want to run, run a mile. If you want to experience a different life, run a marathon.
If you will call your troubles experiences, and remember that every experience develops some latent force within you, you will grow vigorous and happy, however adverse your circumstances may seem to be.
If you've got a piece and you can feel the person who's going to direct it is really made for it, if it's really special for them, then it's going to be a better-than-usual experience.
If your faith is opposed to experience, to human learning and investigation, it is not worth the breath used in giving it expression.
Imagine the marvels we would experience if we believed in the things in which we don't believe.