My dream job is to be a rock drummer and the alternate drummer for the Foo Fighters.
My dream job is to be a rock drummer and the alternate drummer for the Foo Fighters.
My experience with the Junior League, when I worked in Philadelphia for four years in reference to children's things, is that whenever they were asked they responded. They always responded with sincerity, and they did a good job.
My first job after my retirement from baseball was as a narrator for the Eastman Philharmonica.
My first job in construction paid my way through art school. I was building to pay my bills.
My job has always been to hold a mirror up to nature.
My job in space will be to observe and write a journal. I am also going to be teaching a class for students on earth about life in space and on the space shuttle and conducting experiments.
My job is mostly to entertain and be funny.
My job is my sport so I have to make sure that I stay focussed on it. I train almost every day so it takes up a lot of my life and you don't want to bring any new distractions into your life.
My job is to get people back to work and make tough decisions. I've been willing to do it.
My job is to give everyone a chance to catch their breath and step back from all this and get back to work.
My job is to interpret the law based on how the legislature and the court has done it and then, of course, to use our system of justice to develop some new legal tools and new concepts.
My job is to score goals.
My job is writing. I get paid to do it. When was the last time you heard someone challenge a doctor for making money off of cancer?
My job now is to work hard and learn all I can.
My most romantic job: I was a manager at Baskin-Robbins.